Veronica Maxwell

Background: Veronica is a career professional with over 35 years of law enforcement and national security experience. She retired from the FBI in 2007, after 27 years of dedicated service. During her FBI career, she gained valuable experience and expertise in a wide array of investigative programs including Counterintelligence, Counterterrorism, White Collar Crime, Drugs and Crimes Against Children. She first joined the FBI as a Professional Linguist, applying her fluency in the Hungarian language within the FBI’s Counterintelligence Program and was later appointed a Special Agent. After completing her training at the FBI Academy in 1981, she was initially assigned to the FBI’s Cincinnati Division where she worked Violent Crimes and Drug investigations. In 1983, she was transferred to New York, the FBI’s largest Field Office (NYO), where she served throughout the remainder of her Bureau career.
Following her retirement from the FBI, Veronica became a licensed and bonded Private Investigator and independent security consultant/contractor providing a variety of client services including the protection of valuable art and antiquity collections and the pre-employment vetting of sensitive government positions. In 2014, she and her husband, Ken formed the Maxwell Security Group, LLC, a security consulting firm that provides professional security services, technical advice and expert guidance in strategic security planning and risk mitigation. Veronica has been contracted as the Technical Advisor/Consultant for several network shows including Quantico (ABC), Sleepy Hollow (Fox), Blindspot (NBC) and Deception (ABC).
Expertise: Veronica has expertise in a wide array of investigative programs including Counterintelligence, Counterterrorism, White Collar Crime, Drugs and Crimes Against Children and Linguistics. During her 24-year assignment in the NYO, Veronica performed in both undercover and overt investigative roles in a variety of counterintelligence and criminal investigations including: assignment to the prestigious Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF), the first entity of its kind in the U.S. comprised of FBI agents and its federal, state and local law enforcement partners to combat and prevent acts of terrorism; Foreign Counterintelligence (FCI) squads targeted against hostile intelligence services. She also specialized in White Collar Crime and Major Fraud Investigations, led a high impact multi-agency Financial Crimes Task Force, developed substantial expertise in highly sensitive Crimes Against Children cases and was detailed overseas for an extended period to assist Hungarian government authorities in their efforts to address their principal national law enforcement challenge—Russian organized crime.